+4402045380222  Third floor, 86-90 Paul Street London EC2A 4NE

Welcome to Telso

Welcome to Telso’s Procurement’s blog

We hope you’ll enjoy reading and commenting on our blog as much as we enjoy writing about all aspects of procurement in the context of the wider economic and business environment.

So, we aim for our blog to be a resource space, where you can find news on topical events from around the world, including a variety of perspectives and trends in procurement in supply as well as information on Telso’s free tutorials, partnerships and upcoming events.

Telso’s Procurement’s blog

Telso provides professional qualifications and short courses in CIPS &  procurement, supply management, and soft skills, which can be consumed via face-to-face, virtual, self-paced, mobile, and microlearning.

Telso is a Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) accredited Training Provider.